any pronouns
lesbian !
NOT a minor (not comfy w putting exact age here)
desi ...(nri; malaysian)
fucking dyslexic (and my favourite hobby is to read)

im not the he/him kai i swear


can be nsfw at times
I curse a lot
call characters a whore too (mainly call dokja one as a joke -dont take it srsly)
i use caps
makes kms jokes (not kys unless u joke like that too)
i watch bl/gl/straight literaly anything lol

i like complex characters like mo ran and he yu + I love psychoanalysing them

my @ is kdjwhore bcs im caling HIM a whore
im not his whore so those "youre his whore" jokes arent gonna work, this is specifically @ homotron YOU ASS

basic but dnf if you take fiction too seriously and harrass people over it .
idc about how u view them but if you respect that i see them as a bunch of pixels then we're good! just wanted to make that clear, cause i dont have time to babysit people on this app
just dont be
chronically online and understand that people have lives outside of twitter .ty :)

idk if this needs to be said but I dont condone any of the shitty things any of my favs have done


mcyt twt
less than 16
if you support build, mew, kris
if you hate stray kids (especially bang chan)
again its H A T E ,
im a pre-debut stay

honestly? im too lazy to rewrite everything again and i like the layout of my old carrd so just click on the picture below and see them if you are interested

current obsessions :

ORV (a constant atp)
The pizza delivery man and the Gold Palace

JJK (caught up in the manga)
Rewatching SxF rn